VRML Models
Goetheanum (conceived by Rudolf Steiner, 1924)


The design of the second Goetheanum changes from a relatively square shape in the northeast to a highly dynamic and sculptural shape in the southwest. Built in concrete around 1925 the classic technique of thin strips of wood was used to produce the moulds for the sculptural part of the facade where curvature in two directions was required. In producing the VRML model I was interested in whether the same feel of curvature could be achieved by utilising a more economic approach of coarse, but carefully designed triangulation. Encouraged by the virtual reality result, I decided to evaluate the triangulation as a
paper model
as well. The model has been modelled exclusively from images published in
books about the Goetheanum.

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Download the fully detailed VRML model:
- uncompressed (560KB) or

- zipped (150KB)
Download the model as a zip file, save to disk, extract and start the model with the file: Goetheanum.wrl

or download the low detail VRML model:
- uncompressed (280KB) or

- zipped (69KB)
Download the model as a zip file, save to disk, extract and start the model with the file: GoetheanumNoDet.wrl

or view a selection of:
- screen captures.


Horst Kiechle Subliminal Structures Models Goetheanum